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Reviewing for the Exam


My class offers a respectful, engaging and eye-opening experience. In order to achieve the course goals, I set up a list of rules and guidelines, mandatory for each and every student. Read on for more information.


Students are expected to show respect, kindness and responsibility within the classroom and over all school setting. Rude language, inappropriate behavior, or lack of respect for fellow classmates or school property will not be tolerated.


Students are expected to follow district guidelines for safety. These include: 
- Regular hand washing. 
- Wearing masks in common areas. 
- Moving safely in the building and outside. 
- Practicing social distancing from students outside the Pod.


Cell phones are not permitted in the classroom. Cell phones should be in backpacks or in the student's locker at all times. Cell phones used in class will be kept locked in the teacher cabinet for safety until the end of the day.


Due to the strict guidelines toward illness this year, I am anticipating more absenteeism than normal. If you are absent, you can keep tabs on what you are missing by checking the website. I will regularly post assignments

Code of Conduct: Class Policies
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